SLAF statement of principles & democracy
Following a healthy democratic discussion at a meeting on 23 July 2013, South London Anti-Fascists voted to endorse the following statement of principles, which sets out our basis of work. At a previous meeting South London Anti-Fascists also voted on our democratic structures.
Statement of principles
Who are South London Anti-Fascists?
We are an anti-fascist and anti-racist group from South London acting in solidarity with other similar organisations. Our structure is non-hierarchical. Our approach is grassroots community self-organisation.
Who do we work with?
We work with and within communities at direct risk from fascism and racism. Within South London, this means working with a wide range of people who are already marginalised by the state, as well as at risk from street fascism. The current targets of street fascism are principally migrants, Muslims and people of colour. However, fascism is fundamentally hostile to all working-class communities and people. This especially includes women, LGBT+ people, people with disabilities and Travellers, who all are and have been targets of both fascism and state oppression.
Where do we work?
We work in settings such as workplaces, schools and colleges, estates, religious and community groups, trade unions and radical centres.
What do we do?
We see self organised resistance as the most effective form of response to both street fascism and state oppression. Protests, occupations, strikes, self-defence classes, rights workshops, court support, and self-published media are methods we can use to defend our communities.
We work locally in mutual aid with groups who organise those at risk from street fascism and state oppression. We do not direct, but can offer resources and will raise funds to help self-organisation.
We see street fascism as exploiting the current state attacks on our communities through cuts, sanctions, workfare and gentrification. We work in mutual aid with resistance movements against these attacks, to foster resistance to street fascism and state oppression.
We see state oppression and street fascism as mutually supportive structures which divide our communities for the benefit of capital, and so we do not collaborate with the police or seek state intervention, such as banning marches. We will not neglect to work with local communities who do choose to work with the state, however.
There will be an elected Chairperson who will be responsible for chairing the meetings, a Secretary who will keep minutes and be responsible for all correspondence, and a Treasurer who will be responsible for keeping accurate accounts and making and receiving any payments on behalf of the group. All office bearers will be elected at a meeting, either an AGM or a quorate meeting of 20, and will serve for six months if not recalled. All elected officers are recallable by the group, if a 2/3 majority vote to recall them at two consecutive meetings. Mandates for each elected post will be agreed at the yearly AGM.
Meetings will be held every month from 7-8:30 pm. Other meetings will be arranged if necessary and members will be given a minimum of 3 days notice via the announcements list and the organising list. At any meeting the rights and views of each individual shall be respected and the meetings shall be conducted in a way that allows all individuals to participate positively without fear of intimidation. All attendees can put items on the agenda in advance by emailing the organising list, or by raising an item under “AOB: any other business”.
Decision Making
Decisions are preferably to be made at meetings, but if something needs to be decided quickly it can be done via the email list. If a proposal is sent to the organising list and there is no objection made within 24 hours, we can go ahead with the proposal. In meetings the aim should be to get consensus via discussion, but if there is a difference of opinion then a proposal can be passed if there is a 2/3 majority.
Working Groups
Working groups can be set up and mandated by a meeting, they will then report back to the next meeting and can also report to the organising list.
Individual members can be mandated to carry out tasks by the meeting, or via the email list. They should then report back to the next meeting or the email list.
Public Statements, Press
No one can speak on behalf of SLAF unless mandated to do so by a meeting or via the organising list.
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